Isabella Oberlander | Roberta Ceginskaite | Alexandre Fandard
Tearmann Aiteach / Queer Sanctuary
Choreography & Performance by Isabella Oberlander & Fearghus Ó Conchúir | Fashion Design by Gregor Pituch
Since the mid-nineties, Fearghus has investigated the body politics of gay experience in Ireland, and Isabella has aligned her choreography and performance practice with a wide range of feminist art-making in the country. Tearmann Aiteach/Queer Sanctuary is part of an ongoing exploration of queer flourishing and solidarity. The dancing asks what arrangements of support and desire are available between these queer bodies and others as we gather for What Next 2023. Isabella and Fearghus create a space for transformation, exchange and spritely sparkle.
Choreography & Performance by Roberta Ceginskaite
‘’That a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medicine go down, the medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
In a most delightful way’’
- sung by Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins.
Spoonful begins to examine the character of this spoon. Who is holding it? What happens when you don’t want it anymore?
A slightly surreal and absurd duet between the spoon and the person it wants to feed.
Comme un Symbole
Choreography, Sound & Performance by Alexandre Fandard
Alexandre Fandard takes on the image of a young man from the urban margins; his postures and the fear he arouses. In turn barbaric, riffraff, potential terrorist and eternal stranger, the “youth from the suburbs” is often a masculine figure, despised, adulated, sacrificed or eroticised.
Image Gallery

Queer Sanctuary © Nigel Enright

Spoonful © Roberta Ceginskate

Alexandre Fandard © Philippe Plachenault