This year’s edition of Modes of Capture will focus on encouraging a deeper understanding of what we already know above the search for novelty and newness in dance-making processes. Inspired by current understandings of right and left brain hemisphere relationships MOC takes these ideas as a starting point from which to consider how and why attuning to these often overlooked or undervalued registers matters.
We will ask ourselves
What do dance practices offer in terms of addressing the ethical challenges confronting archival captures and disappearances?
What modes of attention foster the dance between memory and motion, archive and artform?
Going deeper into our lived experience may support us to care more, imagine better systems, notice the interrelations and possibilities for change and exchange within the wider context of the current ecological, political and cultural crises we face.
With work-in-progress sharings by Sally Doughty and Pete Shenton, Mufutau Yusuf, and Chris Yon and Taryn Griggs
Find out more on Liz Roche Company’s website
Book your spot here
Partners and collaborators
The Arts Council
Dance Limerick
Irish World Academy
Liz Roche Company
University of Limerick