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TERRAPOLIS – Movement and scenography

A 2-day movement and scenography workshop with MHz.

“Critters – human and not – become-with each other, compose and decompose each other, in every scale and register of time.” – Donna Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene*

Join leading visual theatre company MHz for a two-day workshop inspired by their latest production, RUINS. Set within an ethereal visual space, *critters pulse, pupate, and swell, burrowing into the undergrowth and evolving with each other and their natural surroundings.

Explore MHz’s unique methodologies of working concurrently with the body and technology:

  • Movement: You’ll work with impulse, gesture, and imagination, inspired by Anton Chekov’s techniques and Donna Haraway’s writings.
  • Visuals: Learn the basics of VJ software Resolume, intuitive textural video creation and creative lighting basics and operation – all relating to live media manipulation in response to body movement.

This workshop is open to dancers, physical performers, choreographers, directors, visual and lighting artists and creative technologists.

You will be required to participate in either or both movement and visual components of the workshops, working in groups to create a short performance themed around notions of abandonment, transformation and re-becoming – with techniques borrowed from the RUINS performance.

*”critters refers promiscuously to microbes, plants, animals, humans and nonhumans, and sometimes even to machines”

MHz (Megahertz) is a visual theatre and scenography company by creative duo Bex Anson and Dav Bernard who have spent over a decade devising performances for theatres, big tops, music festivals and DIY spaces. The company’s work is rooted in site-specific and immersive productions presented at music festivals and city locations to audiences from varied age groups and backgrounds.

Find out more and register here.




28 November 2024
29 November 2024

Dance Limerick Performance Space
John's Square Limerick


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