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Marion Cronin in residence

Percolate artist Marion Cronin is in residence at Dance Limerick for two weeks in January

Dance artists Marion Cronin and Sarah Ryan will be in residence in Dance Limerick for two weeks starting 9 January 2023. They will be developing their duet Pure Gold with the help of choreographer/choreologist Laura Murphy.

The initial inspiration for this work drew from women’s embodied experiences within team sports – more specifically women who found strength, trust and support in their bodies through their participation in these. This research lead Marion to investigate how we build and sustain an embodied experience of support and trust with another person. Both dancers explore how to share, yield and attune to each other’s bodies, pairing the mechanical workings of the body back to basics. Using just their two bodies in space, they search for ways to support and be supported, learning when to yield and when to push to make things work.

Pure Gold is an honest, nuanced and exciting story of two women physically supporting each other with the weight and momentum of their bodies.

Marion Cronin graduated from the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance and has since then worked with a diverse range of choreographers both in Ireland and internationally, such as Mary Wycherley, Catherine Young and Junk Ensemble among others. As an emerging choreographer, she is honing her own artistic voice through cathartic dance work that is grounded in personal experiences. Marion is currently involved in projects with Karen Gleeson, Lucia Kickham, Philip Connaughton and Luxe Landscape Theatre.

Sarah Ryan graduated from the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance and has worked in Ireland, France and the UK with renowned companies and choreographers such as Irish Modern Dance Theatre, Liz Roche, Laura Murphy, the Opera Theatre Company and Cie Willie Dorner, amongst others. She has performed in Dublin Dance Festival, Dublin Fringe Festival and Cork Midsummers Festival, as well as national tours.

There will be a sharing of the work in progress on Thursday 19 Jan – 4pm at Dance Limerick Performance Space

Watch a clip of Pure Gold work in progress here

9 January 2023
20 January 2023

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