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Hip-Hop with Rachel Sheil

Dance artist and teacher Rachel Sheil will be offering a four-week set of Hip-Hop classes at Dance Limerick this autumn
Beginners Hip-Hop
Tuesdays 5, 12, 19, 26 September | 7.30 – 8.30 pm
Beginners Hip-Hop class focusing on foundational movement, learning basic technique and having fun whilst becoming more comfortable with dance and Hip-Hop.
Intermediate Hip-Hop
Tuesdays 5, 12, 19, 26 September | 8.30 – 9.30 pm
Intermediate Hip-Hop class with a focus on choreography. Class begins with extensive warm up and technique that feeds into a new piece of choreography every week. This is a faster paced class for people who want to challenge themselves and/or improve.
Both terms are 50€ for 4 weeks, with a discounted rate of €90 if you take both beginners and intermediate terms
How to book
Please reserve your place in either or both classes by emailing rachel.sheil86@gmail.com. Each class will only go ahead if I there is a sufficient amount of reservations. Once you reserve your place, you will be sent payment details. Please do not pay before I receiving confirmation that the term is going ahead.
Watch a trailer of the Hip-Hop class here to see what it’s like.
5 September 2023
26 September 2023

Dance Limerick Studio, 1-2 John’s Square


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