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Aniela Piasecka in residence

Aniela Piasecka will be in residence at Dance Limerick as part of our 2024 Percolate Residency Programme.

ANIELA PIASECKA‘s collaborative and solo works have been presented with Bergen Kunsthall; CAPC Museum of Modern Art, Bordeaux; The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin; CCA, Glasgow; Dansehallerne, Copenhagen; Cubitt Gallery, London; Soy Capitan Gallery, Berlin; L’Institut Francais, Edinburgh. 

They are part of collaborative project STASIS (nominated for the Paul Hamlyn Award in 2023) whose most recent performance was presented with Edinburgh Art Festival x Jupiter Artland. They frequently work in other collaborative constellations, notably with sculptor Paloma Proudfoot, and have been a contributing performer to Jesse Jones The Tower at Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh, and to Myriam Lefkowitz’s Walk, Hands, Eyes, jointly acquired by the National Galleries of Scotland and the collections of Edinburgh University. 

Recent residencies and exchanges include Centre de Création CCOV Montréal/ Take Me Somewhere Festival, Dance Ireland, Tramway, and Hospitalfield, Scotland. They have received research support from UNLIMITED and Scottish Contemporary Arts Network, they were a contributing artist to interdisciplinary research project CAMPUS at Nottingham Contemporary, and have taught workshops and classes at dance, art and community arts initiatives such as Edinburgh College of Art, Dance Base and Inverclyde Culture Collective. 

Working title: Remedies

Aniela Piasecka will be in residency at Dance Limerick to draw upon several years of engaging with somatic body techniques to begin to create a performance that gives space for chronic pain to exist within a structure that deliberately plays with the attention and perception of both performer and audience. Central to the impetus behind the project is the necessity to consider forms of pain within their social context in the creation of an abstract experiment in moving self-portraiture, seeking to connect outwards. Movement scores and the beginning of a voice-over script will be worked on over the two-week residency. 

Join us for pro class with Aniela piasecka. Learn more here.

Join us for a work-in-progress sharing on Thursday 12 Sept at 3.30 pm (free entry)

2 September 2024
13 September 2024

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