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5 Rhythms with Jenny Fahy

This is a monthly drop-in class running from April to June 2023

“The fastest way to still the mind is to move the body” Gabrielle Roth

6 April, 4 May & 1 June | 5.30 – 7pm | €20 advanced booking essential

The 5Rhythms®Flowing Staccato Chaos Lyrical Stillnessis a creative, expressive, healing movement practice that is enjoyed by many people across the world. 

In a 5Rhythms class you will be invited to explore what it is like to follow your own body, your own feet, your own movement, your own instincts. It is a creative, free yet disciplined practice, that will take you out of your head and into your body. 

JENNY FAHY trained in 5Rhythms with the founder Gabrielle Roth and has been a student of this practice for 23 years. She dances regularly for her own enjoyment and exploration. She is thrilled to be back teaching and holding a space in Dance Limerick this Spring/Summer. 

Come and join one of her classes and bring your curiosity about your body and it’s movement!

Find more about 5Rhythms here

Learn more about Jenny Fahy here

Sign up to Jenny Fahy’s newsletter here



6 April 2023
1 June 2023

Dance Limerick Studio, 1-2 John’s Square


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